Digital Marketing in Web 3.0

Jia Ying Chang
2 min readOct 10, 2021


Are you ready to embrace the new internet?

Photo by Nastya Dulhiier on Unsplash

Bitcoin was just the opening act.

We have come a long since the first version of the web.

We are now seeing the third wave brewing — Web 3.0, one that has far-reaching potential implications beyond cryptocurrencies.

Credits to Pragati Verma

A little history:

  • Web 1.0: A passive repository of static, read-only websites (i.e. MySpace)
  • Web 2.0: Transformed into an interactive, social web with user-generated content (i.e. Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter)
  • Web 2.5: The age of mobile computing and mobile-related technologies

Thanks to Web 1.0 and 2.0, they radically shrunk the latency and cost at which people and businesses could trade value and information.

Truly global businesses then started to emerge.

The downside is that we have become too dependent on these platforms. As Web 2.0 mined our online footprints, they too opened doors to data breaches and pose a risk to businesses utilizing these platforms.

Web 3.0 is slated to reverse that.

It’s built with Artificial Intelligence (AI), semantic web, and ubiquitous properties in mind — making it heavily reliant on accurate real-time data collection.

With that, Web3 seeks to push the notion of permission-less access and eliminates the possibility of large-scale control of users’ data and assets. This results in seamless payments to richer, efficient information flows and trusted data transfers.

What can you do to leverage this for your business’ online presence?

Chris Dixon’s thread

🔥 Create content specific for each social channel and be consistent with it
🔥 Build a system to collect zero-party data and understand why you are collecting them (keep them updated too!)
🔥 Optimize the information for all devices (mobile, tablet, or desktop)
🔥 Make data privacy for your customers a strategic priority



Jia Ying Chang

Digital Marketer by trade. Currently based in Malaysia. My topics of interest: marketing, content and internet economy.